A city builder game about gas extraction and LNG

Hello friend, thank you for playing Gaslit – a free city builder game that highlights the destructive side of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas).

Let no one tell you otherwise: LNG is a dangerous fossil fuel that should stay where it is: in the ground.

On this page, you can learn more about the destructive impacts of LNG in the real world and get involved in the struggle to stop it.

Learn more about LNG

LNG (or liquified natural gas) is a dirty fuel. It is made from fossil gas that in countries where gas is cheap – mostly countries with weak human and environmental laws. Gas takes up less space when it is liquid, so it is easier to transport over long distances. It is bought by countries like Japan, the UK and Germany.

Watch this DW Planet A video: The truth about LNG.

There are many reasons why LNG is a bad idea. To make the gas liquid, it is cooled – this costs a lot of energy. And most LNG in Europe is American shale gas, extracted using the polluting technique of fracking. Leaks of super greenhouse gas methane are the rule rather than the exception – you might as well call this LNG “liquid coal”. More importantly, residents living near the advancing LNG industry are sickened by toxic fumes, have their rights violated and their natural habitat destroyed.

Read the briefing ‘LNG: The liquid Path to Climate Chaos’.

LNG is mainly used for regasification in import countries – to heat homes, power industry, make fertiliser. LNG is also used as a shipping fuel, where it is promoted as a cleaner alternative to diesel. Surprise: it is not.

We urge you to join a protest group, as history shows that consolidated power will only give in under massive people power. Find a group fighting LNG on the map below, or join any other climate justice organization in your neighborhood.

Personal lifestyle choices include replacing your gas heater with a more sustainable option like a heat pump, using less plastic, and buying organic food. Industrially grown food uses fertilizer — which is often made from gas. 

Action camp Rotterdam

If you live in Europe, one of the best ways to get involved in the fight against LNG is to attend the Geef Tegengas action camp in Rotterdam, 28 August – 1 Sept 2024. It will have workshops, trainings and mass action.

✊🏾 Aug 28 – Sept 1
📍 Rotterdam
🔗 https://tegengas.camp/

➡️ Join the telegram channel for updates: https://t.me/actiesLNG

Find your local LNG resistance group

Note that this is just a selection of groups fighting LNG, there are many more!

Do you want to have your group added to this map? Contact Leo.
